The project was  funded by Enabel initiative under Belgium Cooperation with Rwanda Ministry of Health and in partnership  national health profession associations including  Rwanda Association of Midwives (RAM), Rwanda Pediatrics Association (RPA) and Rwanda Gyneco and Obstetricians Society (RSOG) to provide Low-Dose High-Frequency (LDHF) Mentorship program in Basic Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal Care (B-EMONC) for  clinical hospital staff working in Maternal and Neonatal Care Services. 

The project is being operated  in 14 district hospitals of Kigali city, Northern, Southern, and Western Provinces of Rwanda. At the end of  3 years of BARAME project implementation, 100% of nurses and midwives working in maternity and newborn services of 14 targeted DHs will be mentored and become the champions in Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) and ready to contribute on the elimination of preventable causes/factors around maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in their facilities.  The most recent data show that a total number of 602 midwives and nurses have been mentored  and awarded the certificates of champions  in B-EMONC and all after one year of 3 years expected for project implementation .

  Low Dose High Frequency is a capacity-building approach that promotes maximal retention of clinical knowledge, skills, and attitudes through short, targeted in-service simulation-based learning activities, which are spaced over time and reinforced with structured, ongoing practice sessions on the jobsite.

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